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PhD-Projects supervision


In progress:

Franziska Bay, ‘Regional heterogeneity of labor market careers of entrepreneurs’, to be completed 2025. (with Prof. dr. Sierdjan Koster as co-promotor).

Harm-Jan Rouwendal, ‘The geography of vacancies: inequality in regional labour markets', to be completed in 2025. (with Prof. dr. Sierdjan Koster as co-promotor).

Tiankun Li, 'Sustainable Growth and Decline of Chinese Cities? A Subnational Perspective on Real Estate Markets', to be completed in 2025. (with Dr. Michael N. Daams and Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma  as co-promotoren).

Helena Barachino, ‘Engaging with Academic Practice and Labour Market Entry: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic’, to be completed in 2025. (with Dr. Viktor Venhorst and Dr. Anneke Timmerman as co-promotores.

Björn de Kruijf, ‘The relation between different kinds of learning and different outcomes in the regional labour market’, to be completed in 2025. (with Prof.dr. Sietske Waslander and Dr. Arjen Edzes as co-promotor).

Georges El Hajal, ‘The Future of Jobs - Attracting and Retaining Talent for the Friesian Hospitality Industry’, to be completed in 2027. (with Prof.dr. Sierdjan Koster and Dr. Erwin Losekoot as co-promotoren).


Petra de Jong, 'No place like home?: Residential mobility and housing preferences of older adults in The Netherlands', PhD-defense 9 September 2021. (with Prof.dr. Philip McCann and Dr. Aleid E. Brouwer as co-promotor).


Gintare Morkute, 'How people and jobs find each other: Micro-level spatial adjustment mechanisms between human capital supply and demand', PhD-defense 21 December 2017. (with Dr. Sierdjan Koster as co-promotor).

Fikri Zul Fahmi, 'Creative industries and regional economic development in Indonesia: Meanings, patterns and impacts', PhD-defense 24 November 2016. (with Dr. Sierdjan Koster as co-promotor).


Koen Salemink, 'Digital Margins: How spatially and socially marginalized communities deal with digital exclusion', PhD-defense 22 September 2016. (with Prof.dr. Dirk Strijker).


Dennis Schoenmaker, ‘Commercial real estate development and valuation’, PhD-defense 27 June 2016. (with Prof.dr. ir. Arno J. van der Vlist).

Michiel N. Daams, ‘Rethinking nature valuation: Analyses of how people value nature in their living environment and in cities', PhD-defense 24 March 2016. (with Prof.dr. Dirk Strijker and Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma as co-promotor).


Lei Jiang, ‘Energy efficiency in China: Measurement and policy’. Groningen, RUG/FRW, PhD-defense 22 October 2015. (with Prof.dr. Henk Folmer).


Yusep Suparman, ‘Controlling omitted variables and measurement errors by means of constrained autoregression and structural equation modeling’. Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.160. PhD-defense 24 September 2015. (with Prof.dr. Henk Folmer).


Heike Delfmann, 'Understanding entrepreneurship in the local context: population decline, ageing and density'. Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.157. PhD-defense 23 April 2015. (with Prof.dr. Philip McCann and Dr. Sierdjan Koster as co-promotor).


Gerke Hoogstra, ‘Location changes of jobs and people Analyses of population–employment interactions and impacts of gender and geography’. Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.160. PhD-defense 14 March 2013. (with Raymond J.G.M. Florax).


Viktor Venhorst, ‘Smart move? The spatial mobility of higher education graduates’, Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.156. With distinction Cum Laude PhD-defense 1 March 2012. Project co-financed by NICIS Institute, The Hague. (with Prof.dr. Leo J.G. van Wissen).


Inge Noback, ‘Regional labour market dynamics and the gender employment gap’, Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.157. PhD-defense 27 October 2011. Project financed by the Netherlands Association for Scientific Research. (with Dr. Lourens Broersma as co-promotor).


Arjen Edzes, ‘De sociale proeftuin: analyse van het gemeentelijk arbeidsmarktbeleid na de introductie van de WWB’, Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, p.246. PhD-defense 21 October 2010. (with Dr. Lourens Broersma and Dr. Arie G. Glebbeek as co-promotor). Project partly financed by NICIS Institute, The Hague.


Mohammed Mustajab, ‘Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia: Process and Impact’, Groningen, RUG/FRW, p.165. PhD-defense 29 June 2009. (with Prof.dr. Piet Pellenbarg). Project financed by the Bernouille-program.


Kurt Niquidet, ‘Essays on the economics of British Columbian Timber Policy’, Groningen: RUG/FRW, 126p. PhD-defense 25 October 2007. (with Prof.dr. Henk Folmer). Project financed by financial support of the Forest Economics and Policy Analysis (FEPA) research unit at the University of British Columbia.


Sierdjan Koster, ‘Whose child? How existing firms foster new firm formation: individual start-ups, spin-outs and spin-offs’, Groningen: RUG/FRW, p.218. PhD-defense 5 October 2006. (with Prof.dr. Leo J.G. van Wissen).


Ida Terluin, 'Rural regions in the EU - Exploring differences in economic development'. Utrecht/Groningen: KNAG/FRW/RUG. Netherlands Geographical Studies 289, 265p. PhD-defense 26 November 2001 (with Prof.dr. Paulus P.P.Huigen). Project financed by external financial support from LEI and the European Union project RUREMPLO.


Ruud Dorenbos, ‘Labour Market Adjustments in Hungary and Poland’, Groningen: SOM/Labyrint Publications, 313p. PhD-defense 25 March 1999 (with Prof.dr. Piet H. Pellenbarg). Project financed by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).


Member Assessment Comittee PhD’s


Saad Ehsan, ‘Wage discrimination revisited – new methodologies and approaches to wage discrimination for the United Kingdom’, University of Birmingham. External Examiner together with internal examiner Lisa De Propris. April 2023, Supervisor: Raquel Ortega-Ardiles.

Olga Grunwald, ‘Social engagement during the retirement transition: Insights into volunteering, caregiving, and grandparenting‘. Groningen: RUG/NIDI, 26 september 2022. Promotor: Prof.dr Kène Henkens en Dr. Marleen Damman.


Fredericia Rossi, ‘Move people or move the plant? Business travel and relocation choices of firms’. Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Istituto di Ricerche Economiche (IRE), Lugano, Switzerland, May 3, 2018. External advisor in the Thesis Committee with Prof. Raphael Parchet (internal examiner) and Prof. Rico Maggi (supervisor)

Wanda van Enst, ‘Science-policy interfaces for enriched environmental decision-making. A research into the strategies of boundary work illustrated by case-studies in the Wadden Sea’, Universiteit Utrecht, 24 januari 2018. Promotores: Prof.dr. Peter Driessen en Prof.dr. Hens Runhaar.

Jasper Heslinga, ‘Synergetic tourism-landscape interactions: Policy, public discourse and partnerships’, Groningen: RUG/FRW, 11 janauri 2018. Promotor: Prof.dr.Frank Vanclay, co-promotor: Dr. Peter Groote.

Jessie Bakens, ‘Economic impacts of Immigrants and Ethnic Diversity in Cities’, Free University of Amsterdam, 9 september 2016. Promotores: Prof.dr. H.L.E de Groot en Prof.dr. R.J.G.M. Florax, co-promotor: Dr. P. Mulder.

Zhiling Wang, ‘People on the move: barriers of culture, networks, and language’, 6 september 2016. Promotores: Prof.dr. P. Nijkamp and Prof.B. R Chiswick, co-promotor: dr. T. de Graaff.

Honghao Ren, Housing supply and its economic and welfare effects in the aftermath of China’s housing reform, Groningen: RUG/FRW 22 oktober 2015. Promotores: Prof.dr. A.J. van der Vlist en Prof.dr. Henk Folmer, co-supervisor: Prof. J. Xue.

Dario Musolini, ‘Stated locational preferences of entrepreneurs in Italy. The patterns, the characteristics and the explanatory factors of the Italian entrepreneurs’ mental maps’, Groningen: RUG/FRW, 28 september 2015. Promotor: Prof.dr.Piet H. Pellenbarg, co-promotor: Dr. Wim J. Meester.

Frank Crowley, ‘Empirical explorations of firm innovation, government intervention and firm performance in European countries’, Groningen, RUG/FRW, 14 september 2015, Promotor: Prof.dr. Philip McCann.

Jacob Jelle de Vries, ‘Estimation of Alonso's Theory of Movements for Commuting’, Free University of Amsterdam, 4 november 2015,  Promotores: Prof.dr. Jos. N. van Ommeren en Prof.dr. Piet Rietveld.

Mehmet Güney Celbis, ‘Infrastructure investment, trade and regional policy in Turkey’, Maastricht University, June 25, 2015. Promotores: Joan Muysken en Peter Nijkamp, co-promotor Denis de Crombrugghe.

Masood Gheasi, ‘Social Economic Aspects of the Diaspora World’, Free University of Amsterdam, January 14, 2014. Promotores: Prof.dr. Piet Rietveld en Prof.dr. Peter Nijkamp.

Bianca Biagi, ‘Drivers of interregional migration flows: jobs or amenities’, University of Southampton, 2014. Supervisor: Dionysia Lambiri.

Kristin Kroonenberg, (Re)location, mobility and migration – The dynamics of workers and firms in the Netherlands. Maastricht University, 8 juni 2012. Promotor: Prof.dr. Martin Carree. 

Giuliano Guerra, ‘Determinants of Immigrant Self-employment Rates and Self-employment Transitions: Evidence from Switzerland’, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Istituto di Ricerche Economiche (IRE), Faculty of Economics, University of Lugano, Switzerland, March 6, 2012. Promotor: Prof.dr. Rico Maggi  and Dr. Roberto Patuelli.

An Liu, ‘Theory and Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Spatial Data Analysis’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, May 9, 2011. Promotor: Prof.dr. Henk Folmer.

Satu Nivalainen, ‘Essays on family migration and geographical mobility in Finland’, School of Business and Economics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, September 24, 2010. Promotor: Prof.dr. Hannu Tervo.

Gülsün Pelin Sarioglu, ‘Entry to Home Ownership: A Comparison between Turkey’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, March 25, 2010 Promotores: Prof.dr. P.H. Pellenbarg, Prof.dr. Murat Balamir and Dr. Pieter Terpstra.

Diego J. Rodriguez, ‘The Use of Economic Analysis for Water Quality Improvement Investments’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, October 19, 2009. Promotor: Prof.dr. Henk Folmer.

Nguyen Huy Hoang, ‘Regional Welfare Disparities and Regional Economic Growth in Vietnam’, Wageningen University, March 17, 2009. Promotores: Prof.dr. Wim Heijman en Dr. Johan van Ophem.

Wouter Vermeulen, ‘Essays on housing supply, land use regulation and regional labour markets’, VU Amsterdam, October 30, 2008. Promotores: Prof.dr. Piet Rietveld, co-pomotores: Dr. Jan Rouwendal en Dr. Jos van Ommeren.

Annette Sophia Zeilstra, ‘Regional labour markets in a cross-country perspective’, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen. October 9, 2008. Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Oosterhaven. Co-promotor: Dr. J. Paul Elhorst.

Amanda C. Helderman, ‘Continuities in homeownership and residential relocations’, University of Amsterdam, January 24, 2007. Promotor: Prof.dr. Clara Mulder, co-promotor: Dr. Maarten van Ham.

Carla Angélica da Silva Pinto de Sá, ‘Higher Education Choice in the Netherlands: the Economic of Where to Go’, Free University of Amsterdam, December 19, 2006. Promotores: Prof.dr. Piet Rietveld en Prof.dr. Raymond J.G.M Florax.

Andreas Johnson, ‘Host Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment’, February 9, 2006. Jönköping International Busines School( JIBS), Jönköping, Sweden. Promotor: Prof.dr. Börje Johansson.

Simonetta Longhi, ‘Open Regional Labour Markets and Socio-Economic Developments – Studies on Adjustment and Spatial Interaction’. December 9, 2005. VU Amsterdam. Promotoren: Prof. Dr. Peter Nijkamp, Prof. Dr. Jacques Poot and Prof. Dr. Aura Reggiani.

Ilaria Mariotti, ‘Relocation and Regional Policy. A focus on Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, 2005. Promotor. Prof. Dr. P.H. Pellenbarg.

Marius Schwartz, ‘Water en ruimtelijke besluitvorming. Het functioneringen van waterschappen in het openbaar bestuur en hun invloed op ruimtelijke besluitvorming op gemeentelijk schaalniveau’. Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. 2004. Promotor. Prof. Dr. Henk Voogd.

Roel Jennisen, ‘Macro-economic determinants of international migration in Europe’. Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. 2004. Promotor. Prof. Dr. Leo G.J. van Wissen and Prof. Frans J. Willekens.

Hideko Matsuo, ‘Transition to Motherhood, Japan and the Netherlands’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. 2003. Promotores. Prof. Frans J. Willekens and Prof.dr. Inge Hutter.

Cees-Jan Pen, ‘Besluitvormingsprocessen bij verplaatste bedrijven’, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. 2002. Promotor. Prof. Dr. P.H. Pellenbarg.

Maarten van Ham, 'Job access, workplace mobility and occupational achievement', Utrecht University, 12 april 2002. Promotores: Prof. Dr. Pieter Hooimeijer en Prof.dr. Clara Mulder (cum laude).

Melinda Mills, ‘The transformation of partnerships - Canada, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation in the Age of Modernity’, 2000, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. 2000. Promotor. Prof. Frans J. Willekens (cum laude).

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